Coordinated Access Regina


Namerind Housing Corporation is the organization responsible for the Coordinated Access Regina program. Coordinated Access Regina is a community-wide system that streamlines the process for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Coordinated Access provides collaborative housing and support services and is an essential step to a more innovative, faster, more coordinated homeless serving/housing system. .

Coordinated Access Regina and its partners follow standardized policies and procedures developed through community consultations related to:

  • Access to service

  • The intake and assessment process

  • Prioritization and referral processes

  • Sharing information in real-time

Coordinated Access Regina works closely with Saskatoon Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) under the Homelessness Information Partnership Saskatchewan (HIPSK) in data collection and case management through the HIFIS 4 system developed by the Government of Canada. HIFIS 4 supports coordinated access by allowing multiple service providers within a defined geographic region to access real-time homelessness data.

Coordinated Access Regina connects people to the right housing and supports as efficiently as possible based on client preferences, level of need, and partner organizations’ program capacities and vacancies.

This ensures the community can more rapidly and effectively address episodic and chronic homelessness for those in greatest need. The use of HIFIS 4 allows the homeless serving community to communicate more efficiently, and to better understand the number, characteristics, and needs of homeless individuals and families.




Coordinated Access Regina Main Office

1112 Winnipeg St.


Office Telephone (landline): (306) 545-4525


Click here to visit the Coordinated Access Regina homepage.